Classics Club Spin #6

Cover for Snow CountryClassics Club Spin #5 was fun. It’s nice leaving your reading choice up to fate occasionally. So, I decided to participate in Classics Club Spin #6! Here is my short selection from my Classics Club list, numbered but in no particular order. On Monday, the club will pick a number, and I get to read that book sometime in May or June. The club suggests grouping your choices in some way, such as books you have been dreading to read. I prefer to put those off by not including them on this list!

  1. Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  2. Stoner by John Williams
  3. Night by Elie Wiesel
  4. The Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter
  5. The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith
  6. Beowulf (Seamus Heaney translation)
  7. La Reine Margot by Alexandre Dumas
  8. The Perpetual Curate by Margaret Oliphant
  9. Troy Chimneys by Margaret Kennedy
  10. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  11. Greenbanks by Dorothy Whipple
  12. Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata
  13. The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins
  14. The Call of the Wild by Jack London
  15. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
  16. Ada by Vladimir Nabokov
  17. The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky
  18. Sisters by a River by Barbara Comyns Carr
  19. Selected Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay
  20. The Beggar Maid by Alice Munro

23 thoughts on “Classics Club Spin #6

  1. I am so lame…after getting others to do this last time I am bowing out on this one! I failed miserably in my last spin and I might be classic-ed out for the time being 😉 Good luck on Monday!

    1. Oh, that’s no big deal. You didn’t read your last one? What was it? I’m just curious because I can’t remember. I have my books placed in order in my nightstand, and I read them in order, mostly (sometimes I read one that I just bought right away), so I find it kind of nice to let fate take a hand occasionally.

      1. It was Howards End. Somehow I had this burning need to read Jane Eyre, and so I ended up leaving Howards End behind. The Spin is fun though! I may take a break and come back to it the next time they do it.

  2. Beowulf is one of my absolute favourites!! I just finished The Idiot and, while it was long, it was excellent, although it was my first Dostoyevsky, so it took me awhile to get used to him. The Vicar of Wakefield is fun too.

    Have a great spin!

    1. I never read Beowulf, not even in high school, so I’m interested to read it. It’s been a long time since I read The Idiot, but my impression is, for Dostoevsky, it’s one of the shorter novels! Those Russians are long-winded. Vicar of Wakefield will be a new one for me, too. I think I have already read about three on the list, so they will be re-reads.

  3. I loved Their Eyes Were Watching God. I’ve read it twice and I don’t re-read very often. I should have put Brave New World on my list. I completely forgot about it this time around.

    1. I read BNW way back in college. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it again. I’m looking forward to TEWWG. I hear it’s great. There will always be another time to put it on a spin!

    1. Yes, I don’t think it is one of his better known ones. I am not sure, but years ago I saw a movie named Queen Margot that may have been based on it.

  4. If no. 2 spins our way, we will both be reading Stoner. The reviews I’ve been seeing about this book lately have me very excited about getting stuck into it soon – fingers crossed!

    I will post my list in a day or so.

    Good luck 🙂

  5. Nice list! I read Night and Brave New World a long time ago, remember appreciating the former and disliking the latter (I read Huxley’s book close to 1984 and thought Orwell’s book was the better dystopia.) It’s been a long time since Their Eyes Were Watching God. Probably should re-read that at some point. I see from a comment above that you’ve seen the movie La Reine Margot which is immediately what I thought of when I saw it on your list. I’d heard of the book and am wondering if there is any overlap in story. If you read it, I’ll have to read your review and find out!

    1. I read Huxley way back in college, so I thought this would be a good time to revisit it. I don’t remember disliking it, but my reading tastes have changed a lot since then. I am curious about La Reine Margot.

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